This set of Open Educational Resources (OERs), dedicated to Street Culture Entrepreneurship, provide educators with the structure, guidance and content to deliver Street Culture Entrepreneurship program in their organisations.

The material provided is addressed to educators in enterprise centres, business development organisations and incubators, and can be also used by community organisations providing informal VET.

The OERs are comprised of six modules and a user’s guide. Each module has a significant part of theory, learning objectives, a large amount of integrated multimedia resources, case studies with description and links, plenty of exercises / learning activities and a final self assessment/ self-evaluation activity.

This material aims:

1. To increase educators own knowledge on the agile and contemporary business models that enable successful street culture enterprises by those from disadvantaged backgrounds

2. To provide educators with high quality materials for both teaching and assessment, to facilitate the rapid integration of the model / resources into their training programs.

Objectives & Target Groups of the Project

a) Raise the motivation and knowledge of 200+ VET LEADERS AND STAKEHOLDERS to offer opportunities for street culture entrepreneurship and to work inter-sectorally to provide joined up support. This responds to VET and economic development stakeholders that want to boost entrepreneurial innovation, social inclusion and urban revitalization in a context of increasing cultural diversity and need guidance on how to harness street culture across the public and private sectors for these purposes.

b) Equip 400+ VET EDUCATORS to introduce effective street culture entrepreneurship training in their organisations in the short term. VET educators and leaders wish to achieve better outcomes with hard-to-reach groups, but this cannot be achieved with old-school generic start-a-business courses. They need relevant up-to-date knowledge, effective digital tools and engaging pedagogic approaches that build entrepreneurial skills appropriate for contemporary urban environments.

c) Develop the business skills of 250+ NEW ENTREPRENEURS who are normally alienated from VET because of their low-skills background or status as NEETs or migrants. As a low-capital venture that requires cultural identity and organic digital marketing, street culture businesses are ideally suited for them, but they need customised flexible training that builds their confidence and skills to move forward as entrepreneurs.